A wonderful Visual and Olfactory journey


Can you paint a Perfume? I truly believe so.

I wanted to pay homage to figures that have made the history of the Visual Arts, through portraits of my iconic Musk and its new modernized versions: Amber Musk, Rose Musk, Tonka Musk.

Describing "Perfume" with words is never easy. We're talking about compositions made of the same material as air: I vaporize it but I can't pick up with my hands, an object without a material identity; precious and elusive. Nevertheless, I feel it, I smell it, I perceive it and I reserve an important place in my mind for it. And it’s in this way that every smell gets associated to an image.

Tribute to Musk
My Amber Musk

My Amber Musk

The complexity of the Amber olfactory note is impossible to describe in a single word. Its multiple facets elude the rules. Representing it in images means capturing its essence, moving images capable of expressing such a unique creation.

In order to represent my Amber Musk accordingly, I was inspired by the English painter David Hockney (1937), whose works draw inspiration from the Expressionism of Francis Bacon and the Cubism of Braque and Picasso. A composite art, given by the juxtaposition of many images, like a modern mosaic made from pieces of Polaroid photographs.

My vision of the fragrance is made up of many elements, perhaps impossible to express in a single glance but possible to grasp in its smallest detail.

Stripped of its animal and salt facets, and softened in its earthy and woody aspect, the Amber of AMBER MUSK keeps all its sensual charge alive, owing to its sweet note, made through the harmonization between Benzoin and Vanilla.

My Rose Musk

My Rose Musk

The Rose is one of the most excellent feminine olfactory note. With more than 1000 varieties, it is the most commonly used in the creation of floral fragrances and the most sought after, with a particular predilection in Perfumery for the Damask and Centifolia types. Perhaps because of this multitude of varieties, this flower retains something mysterious. An inexplicable attractive charm.

To represent my Rose Musk I have chosen to be inspired by a work of art as beautiful as it is enigmatic: Botticelli's Venus (1483-1485). The work represents the mysterious message of beauty, made less divine by the sensuality of its figure. 

Like Botticelli with his Venus, I wanted to convey the elusive beauty of the Rose, making it more earthy because to the animalized sensuality of Musk.

The Damask Rose, spicier than its sisters, was chosen to compose the precious mélange of ROSE MUSK. Fragrance in which the elegance and character of the flower is coupled with the sensuality of Musk.

My Tonka Musk

My Tonka Musk

The "other" dimension to which I get transported to every time I smell the Tonka Bean has led me to represent the inspiration of my fragrance to the surrealist painter Salvador Dali (1904-1989), whose art refers to the psychoanalytic theories of Freud. The authentic comes from the unconscious, from the dream world, that is, the moment when the control of reason loosens. 

My Tonka Musk has an intoxicating effect capable of hypnotizing us and transporting us into a reality where time and sensations are lost, to let us enjoy a more magical world.

Tonka Bean is the seed contained in the fruit of the Dipteryx Odorata tree, native to South America. Its odor has facets of Almond, Vanilla, Caramel and the most experienced noses will also find hay and tobacco. The warm, enveloping and balsamic olfactory result of Tonka Bean creates an excellent accord with Musk: giving life to TONKA MUSK, a balanced and intriguing mélange.
